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Hello Emi here!
I  am  Red Cross Certified.  Jason helps me with the children too, he is my babysitter aid.   We have a Facebook page and Twitter page  if you are now looking at this.  Don't worry, we will keep your children safe while you are out getting errands done.  We can only do two (2) appointments for each child a  week in order to keep everything smooth and organized.  We can only babysit for 8 hours only, unless something comes up and we have to do extra hours. We would like to know ahead of time if any problems come up when we are babysitting your children. So please don't hesitate to call and tell us during our hours.  we would like to call our parents and tell them if we have to stay extra hours, so thats why we ask that.  Thank You for you time and don't forget to visit our links for more info and details. :) Have a good day!




                                                                    Emi :)